Join the FSGA for the premier event for Florida guardians, the FSGA 37th Annual Conference.
Guardianship Odyssey- Journey to Empowerment July 18 & 19 2024 DOWNLOAD THE FULL SCHEDULE
Rosen Plaza 9700 International Drive Orlando Florida 32819
11 Guardian CEUs ( Ethics 1, Guardianship Law 3, Advance Directives 3, Abuse, Neglect Exploitation 1, Fiduciary Responsibilities 3)
13.5 Continuing Legal Education Credits ( Ethics 1, Wills Trusts and Estates 3.5, Elder Law and General 13.5)
SW/RN/ MHT/ NHA Applied for
The Florida State Guardianship Association Annual Conference unites hundreds of attendees, both in-person and virtually, for comprehensive education in guardianship and advocacy. Guardians, attorneys, fiduciaries, care managers, social workers, court personnel, judges, paralegals, nurses, ALF/SNF administrators, and many others stand to benefit from this exceptional educational program. This two-day conference offers CEUs across various disciplines, including guardians, attorneys, Florida Board of Nursing, nursing home administrators, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and mental health counselors. In addition to the educational sessions, attendees can engage with exhibitors, enjoy meals, and participate in the Speaker’s Reception, providing ample opportunities to network with peers and explore new products and services in their respective fields.
Unable to attend in person? No worries! Immerse yourself in our conference experience from the comfort of your own home with our virtual simulcast. Through the state-of-the-art Whova application, you can access all the benefits of the in-person conference, ensuring you don’t miss out on any valuable insights or networking opportunities. Join us virtually and stay connected with the latest developments in guardianship and advocacy without leaving your doorstep.
*Program begins Thursday July 18 at 9 AM includes Thursday evening Speakers Reception, and concludes Friday July 19 at 3 PM
Sponsor Opportunities now open Download the exhibitor and sponsorship brochure here
MAKE HOTEL RESERVATIONS TODAY the Rosen PLAZA is FULL. An overflow block has been secured at the same rate at the lovely Rosen Shingle Creek a couple miles away from the plaza FSGA Overflow at Shingle Creek If rooms become available at teh Plaza you will be notified.
While we’re still finalizing the conference schedule, we’re thrilled to announce that registration is now open! Secure your spot today to ensure you don’t miss out on this invaluable opportunity to enhance your knowledge and network with fellow professionals in the field of guardianship and advocacy.

Speakers: Leonard R. Hock, DO, MACOI, CMD, FAAHPM , Hung V. Nguyen, Esq. , Enrique David Zamora, Esq., Lance M. Mc Kinney, PA , Mari Adams, MSN-Ed., BSN, RN, CHPN, OPPG Director, Clark Gates, Edwin A Bayó, Esq , Carlos Mc Donald, Director Miami- Dade Public Guardianship Program, Nordis Forcade-Martin, CPRES, SRS, PSA, SFR, RENE, CLHMS, Mark Vernick, Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF), The Honorable Kenneth J. Janesk, II Seventh Judicial Circuit of Florida, Stephanie Villavicencio, Esq. , Heidi Isenhart, Esq., Theresa Barton, Case Manager, Retired Professional Guardian , Cindy Kramer, Registered Guardian,Certified Senior Advisor and Geratric Care Manager , Joseph Bensmihen, RG, NM, Jeremy L. Lau, CFA, CFP and Sharon Reich CTFA, CSA
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