FCCC Task Force Response

FSGA has formally asked the Governor and Legislative Leaders, to direct the creation of a formal and representative Guardianship Commission, even a study group, to examine issues in guardianship competently and make recommendations where needed. LETTER TO CLERK BURKE LETTER TO GOVERNOR DESANTIS LETTER TO SENATOR SIMPSON AND REPRESENTATIVE SPROWLS

FSGA Working For You in Tallahassee

The regular Florida Legislative Session for 2021 ended this past April 28th.  Of the various legislative bills that FSGA was monitoring, four were enacted by the Legislature that are of particular interest. These are awaiting the Governor’s review and anticipated signature in the coming days: CS/CS/SB 184 – Purple Alert The bill creates s. 937.0205,…

Is FSGA Board Service for you?

The FSGA is led by a robust Board of Directors from a variety of professions over all areas of the state of Florida. Members from the guardianship field direct the activities of the association to ensure that we remain the premier education and advocacy association for guardians and those they serve. Board roles are for…

Homebound Veterans and COVID-19

Gov. Ron DeSantis has directed the Florida Department of Health and the Florida Division of Emergency Management to coordinate with the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs to identify veterans of World War II and the Korean War who are unable to travel to receive a vaccine. The Governor will continue to expand this program furthering…


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